Monday, April 26, 2010

August 2009 - 2010

So these are my hair colors since the crappy brown dyed hair colour.

It's been black mostly...
and now red, which is fading and i HATE IT... i wanted my hair pink again but i dont think i can go through that process, it just takes to fucking long and im a broke uni student. speaking of uni i should probably be doing my essay on LSD haha! 

If anything new happens with my hair il be sure to update on this blog and if anyone wants to ask any question il reply asap :)

August 2009, The Sadness :(

This is what my hair looked like after a month and i got sick of the front fringe so i pulled it to the side. 

Now heres the sad part :( my hair was in terrible condition and it wasn't growing because it kept breaking off. i thought id be smart and listen to my mum when she told me to dye it brown again, so thats what i did!

BLAH! i felt so sad not having bright hair. so... sooo... normal?

People tell me i have a problem with being normal, they are probably right. I don't want to be normal just because im trying to be alternative or something, it's just nice sometimes not to look like everyone else. don't you think?

But yeah... this is what it looked like. short and brown. "woo" is pretty much all i can say haha

July 2009, Toner To The Maxxxxxxx

I got a bit bored with my hair just being pink so i decided id use my toning shampoo daily to try wash out as much pink as possible.
This is the colour i achieved. The photo isn't doing it much justice but it was pinker at the roots where the colour had stuck to the white blonde from the bleaching and the ends were a purpley pink.
I got a fair amount of compliments on it and got told i should keep it like this. way to hard to keep it like that though.

It was now my goal that my hair was light enough to bleach it to some kind of blonde that i could tone down.

So now i had used a 30 vol bleach over the pink for about 20 minutes which gave me a yellow and white combination of hair. 
I put a white colour toner in my hair mixed with 10 vol bleach on my hair for 20 minutes.

... Annoying thing was when i washed it out it was a 
bit blue in the white patches of my hair, but nothing i couldn't live with.

* At this point it was still in pretty shoddy condition so i went and got a hair cut :) 

June 2009, Hair Starts To Be On My Side

The craziest thing happened!
my hair started to fade and it really pissed me off that i could see the orange..

If you haven't noticed by now orange is my most hated colour.

I wondered if i put some bleach over the pink if i could lighten the blonde underneath then put more pink dye over it so it wouldn't show through orange anymore?

To my surprise i put bleach on my hair and this was the colour i got. 

It was just really odd because before i put the pink over my hair it was orange and gross and when i put 30 vol bleach on my hair for not even 2 minutes this was the colour that came up. 

Now how does that work? The pink seemed to make my hair lighter underneath.. im still not quite sure how it happened to this day but i was happy because i got to lighten the darker bits of yellow and re do my hair pink, mixing it with conditioner of course ;)

June 2009, Disaster

In between this photo and the photo in the last blog i dyed my hair back to brown..

I honestly wish i could show you the photos of my hair colour through the stages of getting my hair from black to yellow so i could at least put a pink over my hair.

1. firstly i used a colour stripper, $50! what a rip and it didn't do shit :(

2. Bleached my hair with 30 vol for about 30 mins.. at this point my hair was orange.

3. Bleached my hair again (i cant believe i bleached my hair twice and stripped it in one day) and left that for another 30 mins.

4............ i don't think you really want to know what happened :(

i washed my hair and it felt like goo. i couldn't do ANYTHING with it because id touch it and it would fall out in my hands. it was so over processed that it had basically turned into nothing, it wasn't even obvious that it was hair. my friends mum cut some of my hair out and it made it a bit better but it was still so gross and dry and breaking off if i touched it.

Of course i went home and cried to my mum to fix it even though i knew it was irreversible. 
I had to go to an 18th that night so i went with orange hair.. oddly everyone was like "Oh H3y u L00K lIk3 A$hl3y $iMpsOn" hahah. 

i still didn't care! i hated my hair and no one was going to change my mind.

i dont have a photo of the inbetween pink before i got to this one but i put manic panic pink in my hair and it washed out in a day and i was like with yellowy pink hair.
Then i got the colour i used when my hair was black and pink and mixed it was a bit of conditioner to tone down the pink and that was my result...

only annoying thing was that my hair was still falling out and when the pink started to fade orangey bits would sometimes show through

February 2009

So this is really where the problem started. me being obsessed with having pink hair! 
i had bleached my dark brown hair with 40 vol bleach (NEVER USE THIS AMOUNT) it is only used for thin foils all over the head, not for huge chunks of hair.

i left it on for about 40 minutes and it came out an orangey yellow, not pretty. i cant exactly remember what pink hair colour i used, i got it from priceline in perth and its just some really random brand this chick recommended. 

It wasn't really the colour i had wanted, i wanted more of a baby pink and it came out a dark pink or even could be considered a purpley pink?

Chucked some black hair dye into my bangs and wa-lah! this was the result

Going Back To November 2008

Ahh November 2008 when my hair wasn't completely fucked :\ 
this is when i had glue in extensions and my hair was all one colour. it was shiny and healthy. i really wish i could have this colour again :(

i mean before this i had dyed it PEROXIDE white. it fell out all the time but this photo was taken atleast a year after i had dyed it back to brown and got my hairs condition back. 

i never really used any proper deep conditioning treatments, i kind of just waited for my hair to go back to normal haha, such a smart idea hey? 

First and foremost...

Ok, so this is my first blog entry. i don't plan on writing this blog properly and going back and correcting all my spelling mistakes so bare with me. 
I want to talk about all my experiences with hair dying (mostly with pink) so you don't make the shitty mistakes i did. costing me 20 cm of my hair being cut off :(